About This Site

Are you, like me, retired with over 60 years experience of life that no-one seems interested in?  My sons, though kind and loving, only get in touch to ask me where something is.  So, I have been thinking for quite a while that a web site where I could communicate with like-minded people was a good idea.

I have called this site Senior Surfers because it is intended to be of interest to people of my age or older who are interested in the internet and finding things out about anything.

In order to be consistent with the links above, I must put what I am going to write about in alphabetical order.

So first I am going to talk about Astronomy and give you an introduction to the help given by Joddrell Bank to those of us interested in the night sky.

Next I am going to give you some useful hints about using your computer and the Internet.

Thirdly, I am going to mention the best thing ever, the Kindle, so please read my Kindle page.

My fourth interest is in Family History and I shall have a page on this too.

I must mention that I have no financial interest in any of the things I advertise here, and my recommendations are only my personal preferences.  Other sites may give similar information, so look about for yourself and let me know if you find any.


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