About admin

My first job was a computer programmer in the very early days of computers (from 1967) when no-one had any idea that a computer would eventually be in everyone's home. I continued with this career until 1976 when I stopped paid working to bring up my two sons. When they were at school I was offered a new career and began teaching others about computers. This progressed until I mainly taught mature students and I made many friends of my own age who are still with me. Now I want to give anyone the benefit of my experience, so have set up this blog site. I do hope you will find something to interest you.

Hello world!

Hello World it says, and that is rather how I feel.  I am an absolute beginner in blogging, so please bear with me and I hope you find something of interest in these pages.

This site is intended to be of interest to people like me, over 60 years of age with a vast amount of knowledge acquired but also a lot of questions.  I have been involved with computers since 1967 and so feel that I have much to offer, but I would not say that I know everything about computers and the Internet because I do NOT.  However, I do know where to find answers and with my experience in teaching mature people I feel that I can answer most questions, or point you to the place where you can get answers.  So, whatever your question please ask it at the worst I can only say that I do not know and at the best I may be able to solve something that has been bothering you for some time.

So please, ask your questions.