Kindle and Contents

Have you ever been in a dentists waiting room reading Readers Digests ten years old, or on a train going to Scotland (or Wales or Cornwall) or somewhere a long way away.  I would guess that if you have your first thought has been “I wish I had brought the book I was reading at home”.  In fact I promised myself years ago that I would always have a paperback in my coat pocket, or stuffed in my handbag.

Alternatively have you ever waited to meet someone off an aeroplane to find that it was delayed and the only book you had brought was one you found you had read and remembered in the smallest detail.

Or, have you been unable to sleep on a train crossing France to Austria and wished you had brought a guidebook or even a dictionary or a German phrasebook.

I am sure that most people have met with one of these situations.  I certainly have.  But now I have the answer.  Buy yourself a Kindle.  Or, more sensibly, get members of your family to buy one for you.

OK, so now you have a Kindle, but you have also hundreds of books that you have purchased over the years and it does not seem sense to pay out again for them.  So, what do you do?  Well the best place I have ever found on the Internet to buy books is Amazon and as Amazon make the Kindle they have thousands of books for you to access, and many of these are FREE – totally FREE.  This is TRUE – I tell no lies.  So hoe do you find FREE Amazon books for Kindle.

First you access the Amazon web site by typing in or its equivalent for wherever you live.If you have not previously purchased from Amazon you should set up a Customer Account by following the New Customer? Start Here link. Once you have set yourself up as a Customer the Amazon site offers some useful things such as Wish Lists which I have used extensively.

Just below the Amazon logo is the Search Bar and this lists all the different shopping areas in Amazon.  Click the down arrow to the right of Search All Departments and choose Kindle Store.  In the second white area to the right type Fr and you should see a list of options – choose anyone of these and you will see a list of books free to Kindle users.  Each list is slightly different and you may find it necessary to sort by price.  I am currently reading the Complete Works of Jane Austen and thoroughly enjoying books I read over 30 years ago.  Amazon have some free Kindle versions of these books but I actually got my copy from Project Gutenberg which has 36000 free books, many old and suitable for the Senior Surfer who has happy memories of books read 50 years ago.

Amazon is an incredible shop with a huge range of products.  You can also buy some things at amazing prices.  For instance today (February 7th) they are offering a Toshiba 40″ LCD TV with Freeview for £278.77.  Try this link if you are interested.

Alternatively, go to Google (or your preferred search engine) and type
Amazon Warehouse

From the list you get choose this one, or something like it.

Once on the site choose TV & Home Cinema from the menu shown here on the right, and scroll down to find this wonderful bargain.

Of course this particular offer will not appear every time you go online but keep looking and you may find similar bargains around.

Please also note that there are offers of Kindles and accessories which I have discussed above.


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